Performance Tests
TDS5000B Series Specifications and Performance Verification
Check output
Figure 2- 23: Measurement of m ain trigger out limits
3. Confirm SIGNAL OUT is within limits for gain:
a. Measure gain:
H Move the precision 50 Ω cable from the AUX OUT BNC to the
H Set CH 2 Vertical SCALE to 100 mV.
H Press PUSH TO SET 50%.
H From the toolbar, click MEAS, and select the Ampl tab.
H Click the Pk-Pk button.
H Click Close.
b. Check against limits:
H From the toolbar, click the Vert button, then click the Termination
1MΩ button.
H Click Close.
H CHECK that the readout CH2 Pk-Pk is between 200 mV and
300 mV, inclusive.
H Enter the voltage in the test record.
H From the toolbar, click the Vert button; then click the Termination
50 Ω button.
H Click Close.