Performance Tests
TDS5000B Series Specifications and Performance Verification
TDS5000B Series oscilloscope
Sine wave
50 ΩTermination
Precision 50Ω coaxial cable
Figure 2- 20: Initial test hookup
2. Confirm the trigger system is w ithin sensitivity limits (50 MHz):
a. Display the test signal:
H Set the generator frequency to 50 MHz.
H From the toolbar, click MEAS.
H Click Setup Ref Levs;thenclicktheMin-Max button.
H Click the Setup button and select the Ampl tab; then click the
Amplitude button.
H Click Close.
H Press PUSH TO SET 50%.
H Set the test signal amplitude for about three and a half divisions on
the screen. Fine-adjust the generator output until the CH 1 Ampli-
tude readout indicates that the amplitude is 350 mV. The readout
may fluctuate around 350 mV.
H Disconnect the 50 Ω termination (with the 50 Ω precision coaxial
cable attached) from C H 1, and reconnect it to CH 1 through a 10X
b. Check the Main trigger system for stable triggering at limits:
H Read the following definition: A stable trigger is one that is
consistent, that is, one that results in a uniform, regular display
triggered on the selected slope (positive or negative). This display
should not have its trigger point alternating between opposite slopes,
nor should it roll across the screen. At horizontal scale settings of
2 ms/division and faster, TRIG’D will remain constantly lit. It will
flash for slower settings.