Brief Procedures
TDS5000B Series Specifications and Performance Verification
TDS5000B Series oscilloscope
Probe from PROBE
outputto CH 1input
Figure 2- 6: Setup for the file system test
3. Insert the test disk: Insert the floppy disk in the floppy disk drive at the top
of the front panel. If your instrument does not include a floppy disk drive,
see the Note on page 2 -- 6.
4. Set up the oscilloscope: Push the front panel AUTOSET button.
5. Set the time base: Set the horizontal SCALE to 1ms/div. The time-base
readout is displayed at the bottom of the graticule.
6. Save the settings:
a. From the File menu select Save As. This displays the Save As dialog
b. In the Save What field click Waveform.
c. In the Source drop-down list box select CH1.
d. In the Save in drop-down list box select 3
e. Note the default file name.
f. Click the Save button to save the waveform to the floppy disk.
7. Change the settings again: Set the horizontal SCALE to 200 s/div.
8. Verify the file system works:
a. From the File menu select Recall. This displays the Recall dialog box.
b. In the Recall What field click Waveform.
c. In the Look in drop-down list box select 3
Floppy. If your instrument
does not include a floppy disk drive, see the Note on page 2--6.
d. Locate and select the waveform file name you previously stored.
e. Click the Recall button to display the stored waveform on screen.