TDS5000B Series Specifications and Performance Verification
Table 1-3: Horizontal and acquisition system specifications (Cont.)
Characteristic Description
n Delta time measurement
For a single channel, with signal amplitude > 5 div,
reference l evel set at 50%, interpolation set to sin(x)/x,
volts/division set t o ≥ 5 mV/div, with (displayed
risetime)/(sample interval) ratio between 1.4 and 4, where
sample interval = 1/(real-time sample rate)
Conditions Accuracy
Single shot signal, Sample,
or Hi Res acquisition mode,
Full bandwi dth
± (15 ppm × | reading | +
0.3 sample intervals)
Average acquisition mode,
≥100 averages, Full band-
± (15 ppm × | reading | +
20 ps)
Table 1-4: Trigger specifications
Characteristic Description
Auxiliary trigger input resistance,
≥1.5 kΩ
Maximum trigger input voltage,
±20 V (DC or peak AC)
n Edge trigger sensitivity, Main
and Delayed t rigger
Trigger Source Sensitivity
TDS5032B, TDS5034B Any channel, DC coupled 0.35 div from DC to
50 MHz, increasing to 1 div
at 350 MHz
Auxiliary input 400 mV from DC to
50 MHz, increasing to
750 mV at 100 MHz
TDS5052B, TDS5054B,
Any channel, DC coupled 0.35 div from DC to
50 MHz, increasing to 1 div
at 500 MHz
Auxiliary input 400 mV from DC to
50 MHz, increasing to
750 mV at 100 MHz
TDS5104B Any channel, DC coupled 0.35 div from DC to
50 MHz, increasing to 1 div
at 1 GHz
Auxiliary input 400 mV from DC to
50 MHz, increasing to
750 mV at 100 MHz