Tektronix TDS5000B Series Sander User Manual

TDS5000B Series Specifications and Performance Verification
Table 1-4: Trigger specifications (Cont.)
Characteristic Description
Edge trigger sensitivity, typical All sources, for vertical scale settings 10 mV/div and
Trigger coupling Sensitivity
NOISE REJ 3 × t he DC-coupled limits
AC Same as DC-coupled limits
for frequencies 60 Hz;
attenuates si gnals <60 Hz
HF REJ 1.5 × the DC-coupled
limits from DC to 30 kHz;
attenuates si gnals >30 kHz
LF REJ 1.5 × the DC-coupled
limits for frequencies 80
kHz; att enuates si gnals
<80 kHz
Advanced trigger sensitivity, typical For all trigger types except Edge, with vertical scale
settings 10 mV/div and 1V/div
1.0 div from DC to 500 MHz
Event count sensitivity, typical For sequent ial trigger delayed by events, with vertical
scale sett ings 10 mV/div and 1V/div
1.0 div, from DC to 500 MHz
Video t rigger sensitivity, typical For delayed and mai n t ri ggers, wi th verti cal scale settings
10 mV/div and 1V/div
Any channel 0.6 to 2.5 divisions of video
sync tip
Video Trigger Format Triggers from negative sync composite video, field 1 or
field 2 for interlaced systems, any field, specific line, or
any line for interlaced or noninterlaced systems
Supported systems include NTSC, PAL, SECAM, and
analog HDTV
Trigger level or threshold range Trigger Source Sensitivity
Any channel ±10 divisions from center of
Auxiliary input ±8V
Line Fixed at zero volts