
Color and tonal correction
Last updated 7/26/2011
Comparing color adjustments in the Color Variations dialog box
1 Choose Enhance > Adjust Color > Color Variations.
The two preview images show the original image (Before) and the adjusted image after you’ve made changes (After).
2 Select an option to choose what you want to adjust in the image:
Midtones, Shadows, or Highlights Specify which part of the tonal range to adjust: dark, middle, or light areas.
Saturation Makes the image colors more vivid (more saturation) or muted (less saturation).
3 Set the amount, or intensity, of each adjustment by using the Adjust Color slider. Dragging the slider to the left
decreases the amount, and dragging to the right increases it.
4 If you are adjusting the color of midtones, shadows, or highlights, do either of the following:
To add a color to the image, click the corresponding Increase color thumbnail.
To subtract a color, click the corresponding Decrease color thumbnail.
Each time you click a thumbnail, all thumbnails are updated.
5 If you are adjusting color saturation, click either the Less Saturation or More Saturation buttons.
6 To undo or redo adjustments, do any of the following, then click OK to apply the adjustments to your image.
Click Reset Image to start over and undo all adjustments.
Click Undo once or multiple times for each successive adjustment you want to undo. You cannot undo the Reset
Image option.
After undoing a new adjustment, click Redo once or multiple times for each adjustment you want to redo.