
Color and tonal correction
Last updated 7/26/2011
Adjusting color saturation and hue
Adjust saturation and hue
The Hue/Saturation command adjusts the hue (color), saturation (purity), and lightness of the entire image or of
individual color components in an image.
Use the Hue slider to add special effects, to color a black and white image (like a sepia effect), or to change the range
of colors in a portion of an image.
Changing colors in an image using the Hue/Saturation command
A. Original B. Entire image changed to sepia using the Colorize option C. Magenta colors targeted in the Edit menu and changed using the
Hue slider
Use the Saturation slider to make colors more vivid or more muted. A good use of this adjustment would be to add a
color punch to a landscape by adding saturation to all the colors, or to tone down a distracting color, like a vivid red
sweater in a portrait.
Before and after adjusting color saturation
Use the Lightness slider in conjunction with the other adjustments to lighten or darken a portion of an image. Take
care not to use it on an entire image—this adjustment reduces the overall tonal range.
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Color wheel” on page 165
Change color saturation or hue
1 Do one of the following:
Choose Enhance > Adjust Color > Adjust Hue/Saturation.