Selecting parts of an image
Last updated 7/26/2011
• To smooth the edges of your selection, select Anti-aliased (Elliptical Marquee tool only).
• From the Mode pop-up menu, choose Normal to visually set the size and proportions of the selection border; Fixed
Ratio to set a width-to-height ratio for the selection border; or Fixed Size to specify the marquee’s height and width.
3 Drag over the area you want to select. Hold down the Shift key as you drag to constrain the selection marquee to a
square or circle.
To reposition a marquee tool selection border, click the border, hold down the spacebar as you drag with the selection
tool. Release the mouse once the selection border is in the correct area.
Use the Lasso tool
The Lasso tool draws freehand selection borders. This tool lets you make very precise selections.
Lasso tool options
A. Lasso tool B. Polygonal Lasso tool C. Magnetic Lasso tool D. New selection E. Add to selection F. Subtract from selection G. Intersect with
1 Select the Lasso tool from the toolbox.
2 (Optional) Set Lasso tool options in the options bar located above your image:
• Specify whether to create a new selection, add to an existing selection, subtract from a selection, or select an area
intersected by other selections.
• To soften the selection border so that it blends into the area outside the selection, enter a Feather value.
• To smooth the edges of your selection, select Anti-aliased.
3 Drag to draw a freehand selection border:
• To add to the selection, release the mouse button; then press Shift and, when the pointer changes to , drag.
To subtract from the selection, release the mouse button; then press Option and when the pointer changes to , drag.
• To add straight-edge segments, press Option (while pressing the mouse); then release the mouse button and, when
the pointer changes to
, click where you want to position the end of the segment.
4 To close the selection border, release the mouse button. A straight selection segment is drawn from where you
released the mouse button to the starting point of your selection.
Use the Polygonal Lasso tool
The Polygonal Lasso tool draws straight-edged segments of a selection border. You can create as many segments as
you need to draw a selection border.