
Photoshop Elements workspace
Last updated 7/26/2011
Revert to the last saved version
When editing a photo in Full Edit or Quick Fix, you can revert to the last saved version.
Choose Edit > Revert.
Note: Revert is added as a history state in the Undo History panel and can be undone.
Revert to a previous state of an image
In Full Edit, do any of the following:
Click the name of the state in the Undo History panel.
Drag the slider at the left of the state up or down to a different state in the Undo History panel.
Click the Undo or Redo buttons on the shortcuts bar.
Choose Undo or Redo from the Undo History panel menu or the Edit menu.
To set the keyboard command for Step Forward and Step Backward, choose Photoshop Elements > Preferences >
General, and choose from the Step Back/Fwd menu.
Delete one or more states from the Undo History panel
Do one of the following:
To delete a state, click the name of the state, and choose Delete from the Undo History panel menu. States following
the one you selected are also deleted.
To delete the list of states from the Undo History panel, without changing the image, choose Clear Undo History
from the panel menu or choose Edit
> Clear > Undo History. Clearing is useful for freeing up memory, especially
if you get an alert that Photoshop
Elements is low on memory.
Note: Clearing the Undo History panel cannot be undone.
Clear memory used by the clipboard and the Undo History panel
You can delete items copied to the clipboard or states in the Undo History panel to free up memory.
In Full Edit, do one of the following:
To clear memory used by the clipboard, choose Edit > Clear > Clipboard Contents.
To clear memory used by the Undo History panel, choose Edit > Clear > Undo History or choose Clear Undo
History from the Undo History panel menu.
To clear the memory used in both the clipboard and the Undo History panel simultaneously, choose Edit > Clear > All.
Note: Clearing the Undo History panel or clipboard cannot be undone.
Restore default preferences
Preference settings control how Photoshop Elements displays images, cursors, and transparencies; saves files; uses
plug-ins and scratch disks, and so on. If the application exhibits unexpected behavior, the preferences file may be
damaged. You can restore all preferences to their defaults.
Press and hold Option+Command+Shift immediately after Photoshop Elements begins launching. Click Yes to
delete the Adobe Photoshop Elements settings file.
A new preferences file is created the next time you start Photoshop Elements. For information on a specific preference
option, search for the preference name in Help.