Last updated 7/26/2011
mezzotint An effect that simulates the pattern of light and shade seen in engravings made from a roughened plate.
Microsoft Panel file A color table attached to an image file.
midtone An area that falls between the brightest highlight and the darkest shadow.
moire A wavy striped pattern in an image, resembling the pattern of watered silk. Moire can be an artifact caused by
a camera’s inability to capture the detail in an image.
mojikumi A system for determining spacing between punctuation, symbols, and numbers in Japanese type.
monitor resolution The resolution of a monitor, described in pixel dimensions. The size of an image displayed
on-screen depends on the pixel dimensions of the image, the size of the monitor, and the monitor resolution. (See also
“resolution” on page 300 and “printer resolution” on page 299.)
noise An artifact caused by interference or camera error. Noise is often seen as stray pixels of unexpected color or a
generally “grainy” appearance. Certain compression techniques can amplify noise.
noise gradient A gradient that contains randomly distributed colors within a range of specified colors.
non-fringe pixels Pixels that are more than 50 percent selected in an anti-aliased selection.
notes A note added to a Photoshop file. In Photoshop Elements you can view and delete notes, but you can't add them.
online service Any service to which you can connect to and order from over the Internet. You can access online
services directly from Photoshop Elements to order prints, photo books, cards, and such. In addition, you can share
your photos online through online sharing services. Services vary by geographic region.
opacity The extent to which something blocks light. You can change the opacity of layers, filters, and effects so that
more (or less) of the underlying image shows through.
opaque The opposite of transparent. When text, shapes, or layers are opaque you cannot see through them.
Options bar The location of all tools in Full Edit mode.
Panel Bin The space located under the Edit, Create, and Share tabs in Full Edit mode. For easy access, drag and drop
any of the nine panels from the Window menu into the Panel Bin.
panorama A broad view of a subject, usually a landscape, made by overlapping individual shots as they are taken and
then merging them to form one image.
parser module A plug-in that converts vector data into bitmap data.
pattern A predefined pattern included with Photoshop Elements, or a pattern you create. You can use patterns with
fill layers, the Fill command, the Pattern Stamp tool, or the Paint Bucket tool.
PDF (PDP) Portable Document Format. An Adobe file format that captures the elements of a printed document,
including graphics and photos, as an electronic image. You can search, navigate through, print, and e-mail PDF
documents. PDF and PDP files are identical, except that PDF files are opened in Adobe Acrobat and PDP files are
opened in Adobe Photoshop Elements.
perspective The angle or level from which a photograph is taken; the camera-eye view.