Making projects
Last updated 7/26/2011
2 Select the Set Vanishing Point Tool , and click on an image in the work area to make it the vanishing point
image. There can only be one vanishing point image in a composition.
Note: Hold down the Option key when you move the pointer over an image to show the selection border of the photo.
3 If necessary, use the Select Image tool to adjust the position of the non-vanishing point images. A non-vanishing
point image has a red border around it when selected.
When you apply perspective correction to a composition, the non-vanishing point images are linked to the vanishing
point image. You can break this link by clicking the Reposition Only button, by separating the images in the work area,
or by dragging the vanishing point image back to the lightbox. After the link is broken, images return to their original
The perspective correction only works up to an approximately 120° angle of view. If your composition has a wider
angle of view, deselect the Perspective option.
Reduce distortion and inconsistent color
Use composition options to reduce distortion in a Photomerge panorama composition.
1 Select composition options:
Cylindrical Mapping Reduces the bow tie distortion that can occur when you apply perspective correction. You must
select the Perspective option in order to apply cylindrical mapping.
Adding cylindrical mapping
A. Original B. Cylindrical mapping applied
2 Click Preview.
The results of applying these options are visible only in preview mode and in the final, generated image.
3 To return to edit mode, click Exit Preview.