Last updated 7/26/2011
exposure A measure of the amount of light in which a photo was taken. Underexposed digital photos are too dark;
overexposed ones, too light.
extension module A plug-in for Photoshop Elements that enhances performance or adds features.
fade When used with painting tools, fade controls the number of steps until the paint flow fades to nothing.
fall-off Decrease in light as it travels from its source. Also the length of the transition between related colors in the
Hue/Saturation dialog box.
faux bold style A type style that allows you to apply a bold effect to a font family that does not include a bold style.
faux font A computer-generated version of a font that simulates the appearance of an unavailable font.
FDF File containing comments from an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. Photoshop Elements cannot open FDF files.
feathering The softening of an edge of a selection.
file-format module A plug-in that allows Photoshop Elements to open different file types.
fill layer A type of layer that contains a solid color, a pattern, or a gradient as an interchangeable attribute.
filter module A filter plug-in installed with Photoshop Elements and listed in the Filter menu.
filters Presupplied ways to alter the look of an image, for instance, to make it look like a mosaic, add unique lighting,
apply distortions, and so on.
flattening Merging all visible layers into the Background layer to reduce file size.
font A set of letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols that share a common weight, width, and style. An
example is Times Italic.
font family A collection of fonts with the same name but different styles. For instance, Times Italic, Times Bold, and
Times Bold Italic all belong to the same font family.
font server An internal engine in Photoshop Elements that allows the application to use and display fonts.
font style A variant version of an individual font in a family. Italic, regular, and bold are font styles.
48-bit RGB color A high-bit image mode that can contain thousands of colors per channel. Photoshop Elements
supports 8-bit or 16-bits per color channel, so an RGB image can be a total of 24-bit or 48-bit, depending on the bit
depth per channel.
frame layer A layer masking an image in a photo creation. A frame layer borders an image and can be resized, rotated,
or repositioned using the same methods used for images.
fuzziness A tolerance setting for the Magic Wand tool and the Replace Color command. It controls the degree to
which related colors are included in the selection. See Tolerance.
gamma adjustment The contrast resulting from darkening or lightening the midtones of an image. When you adjust
the gamma, you change the brightness of the midtones without substantially affecting the highlights and shadows.
gamut The range of color that a device can reproduce. (See also “color space” on page 293.)
Gaussian blur A softening effect applied through a bell-shaped distribution of tones and colors.
GIF Graphic image file format. A file format suitable for images that contain line art, large areas of a single color, and
text. Web animations are done with images in GIF format.