Using layers
Last updated 7/26/2011
Simplify a layer
You simplify a smart object, frame layer, type layer, shape layer, solid color layer, gradient layer, or pattern fill layer
(or a layer group imported from Photoshop) by converting it into an image layer. You need to simplify these layers
before you can apply filters to them or edit them with the painting tools. However, you can no longer use the type- and
shape-editing options on simplified layers.
1 Select a type layer, shape layer, fill layer, or a Photoshop layer group in the Layers panel.
2 Simplify the layer or imported layer group:
• If you selected a shape layer, click Simplify in the options bar.
• If you selected a type, shape, or fill layer, or a Photoshop layer group, choose Simplify Layer from either the Layer
menu or the Layers panel More menu.
More Help topics
“About adjustment and fill layers” on page 62
“Understanding layers” on page 49
Delete a layer
Deleting layers that you no longer need reduces the size of your image file.
1 Select the layer in the Layers panel.
2 Do one of the following:
• Drag the layer to the Delete Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel.
• Click the Delete Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel, and click Yes in the delete confirmation dialog box.
To bypass this dialog box, press Option as you click the Delete icon.
• Choose Delete Layer from either the Layer menu or the Layers panel More menu, and click Yes.
More Help topics
“Understanding layers” on page 49
“Create and name a new blank layer” on page 51
Sample color from all visible layers
By default, when you work with certain tools, the color you apply is sampled only from the active layer. With this
default behavior, you can smudge or sample in a single layer even when other layers are visible, and you can sample
from one layer and paint in another one.
If you want to paint using sampled data from all visible layers, do the following:
1 Select the Magic Wand tool, Paint Bucket tool, Smudge tool, Blur tool, Sharpen tool, or Clone Stamp tool.
2 In the options bar, select Sample All Layers.
More Help topics
“Understanding layers” on page 49
“About painting tools” on page 204