
Last updated 7/26/2011
blur The softening of the detail in an image or parts of a image.
BMP A standard file format for saving bitmap files in Windows. Windows can display BMP files on any type of display
bounding box A rectangular border around an image, shape, or text that you can drag to rotate or resize.
brightness The relative lightness or darkness of an image, which determines the intensity of colors. Also, the relative
lightness or darkness of any color. (See also
luminance” on page 297.)
brightness value The brightness of an image or selection, usually measured as a percentage from 0% (black) to 100%
brush preset A brush with preset settings for size, thickness and so on. Photoshop Elements includes several brush
presets for you to choose from, and you can create your own as well. The maximum number of brush presets that you
can create in Photoshop Elements: 8000.
brush type One of the following brush tool styles: brush, impressionist brush, or airbrush.
burning The selective darkening of a part of an image.
cache file A file used for virtual memory. The cache file speeds the performance of Photoshop Elements.
camera raw format A format describing data exactly as it is captured by a camera sensor, with no in-camera processing
applied. Also called raw format. (This format differs from
Photoshop raw format” on page 299.)
canvas The workspace around an existing image, within the image window. Layer data may lie outside of the canvas,
but it will be clipped to the canvas when the image is flattened. You can change the size and color of the canvas by
choosing Image
> Resize > Canvas Size.
card reader Portable hardware on which you can store, upload, or download photos, audio, video, and other data. You
can download data from a card reader into Adobe Bridge.
CCITT Comité Consultatif International Téléphonique et Télégraphique. A group that defines communications
standards. Now known as the ITU-T (International Telecommunications Union-Telecommunication Standardization
sector). The CCITT has developed a family of lossless compression techniques for black-and-white images.
channel A construct for describing the color data in an image. A black-and-white grayscale image has one channel, an
RGB image has three, and a CMYK image has four. Ordinarily, a channel describes either red, green, or blue, which
are blended to create all colors.
chroma See “saturation” on page 300.
CIE Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage. A group that defined universal color standards in the early 1930s. The
Lab color model was developed by CIE.
clipboard The temporary holding area for data stored with the Cut or Copy commands.
clipboard path data Data for vector paths stored on the clipboard. Vector paths are used with vector data such as text
layers or shape layers.
clone To paint with the Clone Stamp tool. You must set a sampling point on the active layer (by holding the Alt key
and clicking the mouse) before you paint with the Clone Stamp tool.
CMap files Files used to access character sets in double-byte fonts such as Japanese fonts.
CMYK Cyan, magenta, yellow, and black—the inks most printers use to produce color images. Though Photoshop
Elements does not support CMYK color mode, most desktop printers automatically convert to it.