Color and tonal correction
Last updated 7/26/2011
3 Choose Enhance > Convert To Black And White.
4 Select a style option that reflects the content of your image (for example, Portraits or Scenic Landscape).
5 Drag the Adjustment Intensity sliders to adjust red, green, blue, or contrast.
Note: The Adjustment Intensity sliders for red, green, and blue don’t colorize your image; they simply include more or
less data from the original color channels in the new black and white image.
6 To convert your image, click OK. Or, to cancel your changes and start over, click Reset. To close the Convert To
Black And White dialog box, click Cancel.
More Help topics
“Understanding layers” on page 49
Automatically convert to black and white
The Remove Color command converts to black and white by assigning equal red, green, and blue values to each pixel
in an RGB image. The overall brightness of each pixel remains constant. This command has the same effect as setting
Saturation to -100 in the Hue/Saturation dialog box.
1 To adjust a specific image area, select it with one of the selection tools. If no selection is made, the adjustment
applies to the entire image.
2 Choose Enhance > Adjust Color > Remove Color.
Add custom presets for black and white conversion
You can manually add custom presents to the black and white converter by editing a specific text file.
Note: This is a task for advanced users.
1 Navigate to the folder /Applications/Photoshop Elements 8.
2 Command-click Adobe Photoshop Elements and select Show Package Contents.
3 Navigate to the folder Contents/Required.
4 Open the bwconvert.txt file in a plain text editor (such as TextEdit).
5 Following the same naming convention as the presets already in the file, add your new preset and give it a unique
6 Save the file (keeping the original filename).
7 Choose Enhance > Convert To Black And White to view the presets.
Add color to a grayscale image
You can colorize an entire grayscale image, or select areas to colorize with different colors. For example, you can select
a person’s hair and color it brown, and then add pink to the person’s cheeks after making another selection.
Note: If the image you are coloring is in grayscale mode, convert it into RGB by choosing Image > Mode > RGB Color.
1 Choose Enhance > Adjust Color > Adjust Hue/Saturation, or Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation to
work on an adjustment layer.
2 Select Colorize. If the foreground color isn’t black or white, Photoshop Elements converts the image into the hue
of the current foreground color. The lightness value of each pixel does not change.