
Printing and sharing photos
Last updated 7/26/2011
Sample contact sheet
1 In Adobe Bridge, select a folder of images or specific image files. From the Bridge Tools menu, choose Photoshop
Elements > Contact Sheet II. Unless you select specific images, the contact sheet will include all images currently
displayed in Adobe Bridge. You can select a different image folder or select other currently open images after the
Contact Sheet II dialog box opens.
2 In Photoshop Elementschoose File > Contact Sheet II.
3 Click to select an image in Bridge. Shift-click to select a series of images. Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click
(Mac OS) to select noncontiguous images
4 In the Contact Sheet II dialog box, specify the images to use from the Use menu in the Sources images area.
5 In the Document area, specify the dimensions, resolution, and color mode for the contact sheet. Select Flatten All
Layers to create a contact sheet with all images and text on a single layer. Deselect Flatten All Layers to create a
contact sheet in which each image is on a separate layer and each caption is on a separate text layer.
6 In the Thumbnails area, specify layout options for the thumbnail previews.
For Place, choose whether to arrange thumbnails across first (from left to right, then top to bottom) or down first
(from top to bottom, then left to right).
Enter the number of columns (between 1 and 9) and rows that you want per contact sheet. The thumbnail size and
number of rows adjust according to your choice. If the number of photos exceeds the capacity of a single page, more
pages are added to accommodate them.
Use Auto-Spacing to let Photoshop Elements automatically space the thumbnails in the contact sheet. If you
deselect Use Auto-Spacing, you can specify the vertical and horizontal space around the thumbnails.
7 Select Use Filename As Caption to label the thumbnails using their source image filenames. Use the menu to specify
a caption font and font size.
8 In Photoshop Elements, choose File > Print.
Print a picture package
Picture Package lets you place multiple copies of a photos on a single page, much as traditional portrait studios do. You
can choose from a variety of size and placement options to customize your package layout.