Emerson 20/20 Air Compressor User Manual

23 – 2
Vission 20/20 • Operation and Service Manual •Vilter/Emerson • 35391SC 1.8.5153
Pressing the back button will rewrite the le/folder
list with the previous folder level.
Display Window:
This window displays the context of the manual.
Pressing this button expand the display window to t
the entire screen.
Enter the page number the operator wishes to be dis-
played in the display window.
Changes the page in the display window one page
less then what was showing.
Changes the page in the display window one page
more then what was showing.
Pressing the Version button displays a pop-up screen
that gives the operator information of the version of
software running on the Vission 20/20, see Figure
23-2. Version Pop-Up Screen.
Figure 23-2. Version Pop-Up Screen
Section 23 Help Screen