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Vission 20/20 • Operation and Service Manual •Vilter/Emerson • 35391SC 1.8.5153
logging and troubleshooting. Setting these parameter
will set the hardware clock embedded in the Vission
20/20 CPU. If the time is not retained after powering
down the panel, the operator should check and/or re-
place the coin style battery on the panel SBC behind the
• Selection to choose between 12 hour or 24 hours
• Entry box to set the clock hours. AM or PM drop-down
box will available if the 12 hour format is selected.
• Entry Box to set the clock minutes.
• Entry Box to set the clock seconds.
• Entry Box to set the current year.
• Entry Box to set the current month.
• Entry Box to set the current date.
The communication section is the control center for all
communications to the Vission 20/20 panel. It is possi-
ble to have multiple modes of communications enabled
and used. However, only one mode can be used to con-
trol the Vission 20/20 which is selected in the “Active
Remote Control” drop-down box. For a complete list
of communication registers, please refer to the Vission
20/20 communication table.
Active Remote Control:
• Selects the mode of remote control. The operator
can select between Direct I/O, Serial, or Ethernet.
Direct I/O:
• Enables the Direct I/O inputs. Once selected a pop-up
will be displayed and the operator will need to choose
a one of the three Direct I/O options
Serial (Modbus RTU):
• Enables the Serial Modbus RTU protocol. Once se-
lected, the remainder of the serial setpoints will be
available for editing.
Panel ID:
• Panel Identifi er used by the controller when commu-
nicating with multiple panels.
• The Vission 20/20 has two ways to communicate on
serial bus. Either via the built in serial port, P12, or
through one of the USB ports. This drop-down box
allows the operator to chose which one will be used.
Baud Rate:
• Sets the Baud Rate for the serial communication.
Data Bits:
• Fixed at 8 Data bits.
Stop Bits:
• Identifi es the end of character for re-synchronizing.
• Identifi es the type of error detection.
• Enables the Ethernet port. Once selected, the re-
mainder of the Ethernet setpoints will be available for
Panel ID:
• Panel Identifi er used by the controller when commu-
nicating with multiple panels.
IP Address:
• Entry box to set the IP address.
Subnet Mask:
• Entry box to set the Subnet Mask.
• Entry box to set the Gateway address.
• Drop-down box to select the type of protocol used to
remotely control the Vission 20/20.
The “Calibrate” button changes the screen into touch-
screen calibration mode. Calibrating the touchscreen
is only required if the operator fi nds that the pointer ar-
row no longer follows his fi nger. The calibration mode
requires the operator to touch the four corners of the
touchscreen and then the accept button.
Anti-Recycle defi nes the method of motor protection
Section 19 • Configuration