4 – 2
Vission 20/20 • Operation and Service Manual •Vilter/Emerson • 35391SC 1.8.5153
Section 4 • Main Screen
Figure 4-2. Top Status Bar
Top Status Bar
The standard view of the status bar shows three pieces
of information. From left to right , the bar shows the con-
trol method, the current run mode, and the difference
between the desired control setpoint and the actual
value of the processes control value, see Figure 4-2. Top
Status Bar.
The status bar also has an alternate function where it dis-
plays to the user any information that requires user at-
tention or intervention. It accomplishes this by changing
the status bar’s color and/or fl ashing a additional infor-
mation bars over the standard status bar view.
Standard Bar – blue:
• Indicates a condition where the compressor motor is
not running.
Standard Bar – green:
• Informs the operator that the compressor motor is
currently running.
Information Bars will fl ash their information over the top
of the status bar. The operator will see the status bar
and then one or more information bars in a repetitive
Information Bar – blue:
• Shows various operational modes that are different
than normal running condition. An example of this
would be a load limit condition. The compressor is
not able to completely load due to some parameter
like high motor current and therefore the operator is
notifi ed via this type of information bar.
Information bar – yellow
• This typically indicates an Alarm condition. Alarm
conditions do not stop the compressor but it is meant
to alert the operator of conditions that if corrective
action is not taken, then a compressor trip can result.
Information bar – red
• Informs the operator that the compressor motor
was stopped due the condition listed in the informa-
tion bar. Compressor trips are designed to protect
the equipment and any personnel operating the