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EZ Pairing
The EZ Pairing Power Tool provides a quick and easy way to connect a ring scanner to the Dolphin terminal using Bluetooth
wireless technology.
Note: EZ Pairing is a model dependent and may not appear on the Power Tools Main Window (page 1-1) of your terminal.
Hardware Requirements
EZ Pairing is compatible with the following ring scanner models:
• Honeywell 8650 Wireless Ring Scanner
• Motorola RS507 Wireless Ring Scanner
Using EZ Pairing to Establish a Connection
1. Open the EZPairing.exm file in EZConfig on the terminal.
2. Under the Service Settings, set the Device key to the correct ring scanner type (i.e., Honeywell or Motorola).
For more information on how to use the EZConfig Editor on the Dolphin Terminal to modify EXM files, see page 3-1.
3. Select File > Save.
4. Select File > Exit, and then tap Return.
5. On the Power Tools main screen, tap EZ Pairing.
When EZ Pairing launches:
• the Bluetooth wireless radio turns on,
• the EZ Pairing service initiates, and
• an EZ Pairing bar code appears on the terminal screen.
6. Scan the bar code with the ring scanner to pair the devices. The terminal emits a tone when a successful connection has
been made.
If your device does not support scanning the bar code from the terminal screen, capture an image of the terminal screen,
print the image, and then scan the bar code.
Modifying the ScanWedge Configuration File to Support EZ Pairing
1. If ScanWedge is not enabled, open the Power Tools main screen and tap ScanWedge once.
2. Open the ScanWedge.exm file in EZConfig on the terminal.
3. Select Comm from the sections.
4. Under the Key column, double-tap on Enable. Set the value to Yes and then tap OK.
5. Double-tap on LinkEZPairing. Set the value to Enable and then tap OK.
6. Select File > Save.
7. Select File > Tools > Launch Associated Application to restart ScanWedge.
8. Select File > Exit.
9. Open an application (e.g., Word Mobile) and scan a bar code with the ring scanner to test the pairing. The bar code
information should display on the terminal screen.