The MultiMux MMV1600/MMV3200 Series is available in two models, a sixteen and thirty-two channel unit with an
internal command modem, optional composite link DSUs and two optional voice/fax channels, dial-up capability from a
remote location into the command modem and a command port for local AT command configuration information.
The MultiMux MMV1600/MMV3200 Series is capable of communicating with Multi-Tech's MultiMux MMH1600/
MMH3200 Series and the MultiMux MMH900 Series for data communications.
The configuration of the MultiMux MMV1600/MV3200 series is as follows:
Model Description
MMV1608C Eight channel unit with internal command modem
MMV1616C Sixteen channel unit with internal command modem
MMV3208C Eight channel unit with internal command modem
MMV3216C Sixteen channel unit with internal command modem
MMV3224C Twenty-four channel unit with internal command modem
MMV3232C Thirty-two channel unit with internal command modem
MMVXXXXC/56 Internal 56K bps composite link DSU
MMVXXXXC/56/56 Two internal 56K bps composite link DSUs
MMVXXXXC/V Two internal voice/fax channels
MMVXXXXC/56/V Internal 56K bps composite link DSU and two internal voice/fax channels
MMVXXXXC/56/56/V Two internal 56K bps composite link DSUs and two voice/fax channels
Valid voice/fax configurations are as follows:
Configuration Description
E&M to E&M Any phone or fax machine connected to the PBX at one site can call any phone or fax
machine connected to a PBX at the other end.
FXS to FXS No number needs to be dialed. If the phone or fax machine on one end goes off hook,
the phone or fax machine on the other end rings.
FXS to FXO The phone and fax machine at the FXS site acts as though they are extensions of the
PBX at the FXO site.
FXS Loop Start to When the phone or fax machine at the FXS site
E&M Dial goes off hook, it connects to the PBX at the E&M site.
FXS Ground Start to When the phone or fax machine at the FXS site
E&M Wink goes off hook, it connects to the PBX at the E&M site. This phone circuit needs to be a
ground start circuit.