Multi-Tech Systems MMV1600 Welder User Manual

When the Sync Data Channel is used and the MultiMux is providing the clocking,
a word of caution; the Mux Speed command should not be set so high that the Sync Data Channel over runs
the composite link. Things to consider are that if a voice/fax board is installed, voice takes
the highest priority (voice compression is either 9.6K or 16K of the bandwidth), the Sync Data Channel is
the next highest priority and the speed should be set so that the remaining bandwidth for all the async
channels does not override the composite link and there is sufficient bandwidth for the async
When Port B is selected as a Sync Data Channel, the following Mux Speed commands
are used:
$MUXBSP9600 $MUXBSP14400
$MUXBSP19200 $MUXBSP38400
$MUXBSP56000 $MUXBSP64000
Mux B The Mux B command causes Composite Link B (Port B) to operate as a Sync Data Channel
or as a composite link. The $MUXB $MUXBSYNC command places Port B in a synchronous data
channel mode. The $MUXBCOMP command sets Port B to operate as a composite link. When port B is in a
sync data channel mode, the mux clocking and speed commands should be considered.
The MultiMux must be reset for the command to take affect. The default condition is port B set as Composite Link
Additional Composite Link Commands
The Additional Composite Link commands perform the function of a system monitor. In addition to displaying the
information available on the MultiMuxs LED display, they also provide additional network statistical information. The
purpose of the commands are to allow network monitoring via the supervisory port as an alternative to viewing the LED
indicators. The various status commands and their functions are detailed below:
Clear The Clear Composite Statistics command clears the composite
Composite statistics record without resetting the entire MultiMux unit. The
Statistics #CA command clears link A composite statistics and #CB clears
link B statistics.
Load DSU The Load DSU Factory Defaults command returns the status of
Factory Defaults the internal DSU to its original (default) status as shipped from the factory. The default
conditions are as follows:
$F Speed: 56K
Clock: DDS
Flush Timer This command is necessary when the mux is used with Alpha- Value Microcomputer and
Wyse Terminals. The command allows for the proper use of the function keys as indicated on the keys. The
#FT #FT0 command clears the function and sets the flush time value to 10 msec and #FT1
sets the flush time value to 20 msec. The default is #FT0.
List The List Composite Link Configuration command causes the Composite MultiMux to
display its internal composite link or sync data
Link channel parameters on the supervisory console. The following Configuration examples
show the configuration of compoiste links A and B or composite link A and port B as a sync data channel. Composite
$L link A is only used as a link connection, where as, composite link B (port B) can be used
in a link configuration or as a synchronous data channel. The 8-position DIP switch SW2 on the Aggregate
board configures link A for an external link device in the Closed (Down) position or
internal DSU in the Open (Up) position. DIP Switch SW3 configures port B in the same manner when this link
is used as a composite link. When port B is used as a sync data channel, DIP Switch
SW3 has no affect. The first two examples show the configuration of ports A and B when the MultiMux is
configured as composite links A and B. The next two examples show the composite link A as a link
connection and port B as a synchronous data channel.