4.75db V(1/2)OL8 -6.0db 4.0db V(1/2)OL9 -6.75db 3.25db
V(1/2)OL10 -7.5db 2.5dbV(1/2)OL11 -8.25db 1.75db
V(1/2)OL12 -9.0db 1.0db V(1/2)OL13 -9.75db 0.25db V(1/2)OL14 -
10.5db -0.5db V(1/2)OL15-11.25db -1.25db V(1/2)OL16 -12.0db -2.0db V(1/
2)OL17 -12.75db -2.75db V(1/2)OL18 -13.5db-3.5db V(1/2)OL19 -14.25db-
2-Wire 4-Wire 2-Wire 4-Wire
V(1/2)OL20 -15.0db -5.0db V(1/2)OL21 -15.75db -5.75db V(1/2)OL22 -
16.5db -6.5db V(1/2)OL23-17.25db -7.25db
V(1/2)OL24 -18.0db -8.0db V(1/2)OL25 -18.75db -8.75db V(1/2)OL26 -
19.5db -9.5db V(1/2)OL27-20.25db -10.25db
V(1/2)OL28 -21.0db -11.0db V(1/2)OL29 -21.75db -11.75db V(1/2)OL30 -
22.5db -12.5db V(1/2)OL31-23.25db -13.25db
The output level gain needs to be set at the mux that is receiving (hearing), this will
change the volume level that the person at the receiving mux hears. To increase the output level gain at the
transmitting mux will have no affect on the loudness heard by the person at the receiving
OL Sounds
Increase Louder
Sounds OL
Louder Increase
For the best results, increase or decrease both the
local output level and remote input level settings
by a small amount to change the volume level
heard at the local voice/fax channel.
The default settings per configuration are as follows:
Local Remote
Configuration IL OL IL OL
FXS to FXO 6 9 5 2
FXS to FXS 3 12 3 12
E&M to E&M 5 14 5 14
Voice/Fax Channel The Voice/Fax Channel Silence Suppression command keeps
Silence Suppression moments of silence from using up bandwidth on the composite link. Typically, a voice
conversation is 50 to 60% silence. Silence V(1/2)SS suppression is helpful when using a slow composite link
speed such as 19,200 bps. The higher the command level (e.g., V1SS2), the
greater the silence suppression. The range of the command is from 0 to 2. When silence suppression is set to
zero, all sound passes through the link, even silence. Silence suppression
is active when there is no activity on the voice/fax channel. Increasing the setting increases the volume
necessary for sound to be sent over the link.
Voice/Fax Channel The Voice/Fax Channel Local Interface command configures
Local Interface the local voice/fax channel interface. The V1LIFXO command sets voice/fax channel
1 on the local MultiMux for an FXO V(1/2)LI connection. When the local MultiMux is configured for FXO,
the remote site has to be configured for an FXS interface. When the local
MultiMux is configured for an E&M interface, the E&M type has to be determined, whether dial or wink is going
to be used, and whether the connection is 2-wire or 4-wire. For example, to configure
local voice/fax channel 1 for E&M type 1 which is very common in the U.S., wink-start E&M signaling and a 2-
wire connection, the command would be V1LIE&M1W2. The Local Channel
Interface command are as follows:
ATV(1/2)LIFXO FXO Interface Connects to station
side of PBX.
ATV(1/2)LIFXSG FXS w/Ground Connects a single
Start Line telephone/fax with a ground start line to the