Q-Logic ISR6200 Router User Manual

C–Log Messages
C-30 ISR651101-00 G
152105 qapireadjustpriority_1_svc: Readjust
Priority Done
User Info Completed readjusting the serial schedule priority of
migration jobs.
152106 qapiupdatemigration_1_svc: Update
Migration returned with error %d
User Info An update migration action [Start, Stop, Pause, or
Resume] has failed.
152107 RemoveMigration:%d with Job Id %d and
error = %d
User Info Failed to remove a migration job with ID specified in
the log.
152108 ValidateSerialSchedule: Previous time %ld
New time %ld
User Info Reset the serial schedule delayed time to invalid if
the last serial schedule job was removed.
152109 addMigration: Creating migration Job
Failed with error %d
User Info Failed to create a migration job.
152129 sysTempMon: Left PCM Installed User Info The left PCM is or has been installed.
152130 sysTempMon: Left PCM Un-installed User Info The left PCM is or has been uninstalled.
152131 sysTempMon: Right PCM Installed User Info The right PCM is or has been installed.
152132 sysTempMon: Right PCM Un-installed User Info The right PCM is or has been uninstalled.
152133 sysTempMon: Power for Left PCM Plugged-in User Info The left PCM is connected AC power.
152134 sysTempMon: Power for Left PCM Un-plugged User Info The left PCM is not connected to AC power
152135 sysTempMon: Power for Right PCM Plugged-in User Info The right PCM is connected AC power.
152136 sysTempMon: Power for Right PCM Un-plugged User Info The right PCM is not connected to AC power
Table C-1. iSR6200 Router Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message