All teaching work must be carried out by an operator who has received special
training. (This also applies to maintenance work with the power source turned
Enforcement of safety training
For teaching work, prepare a work plan related to the methods and procedures
of operating the robot, and to the measures to be taken when an error occurs
or when restarting. Carry out work following this plan. (This also applies to
maintenance work with the power source turned ON.)
Preparation of work plan
Prepare a device that allows operation to be stopped immediately during
teaching work. (This also applies to maintenance work with the power source
turned ON.)
Setting of emergency stop switch
During teaching work, place a sign indicating that teaching work is in progress
on the start switch, etc. (This also applies to maintenance work with the power
source turned ON.)
Indication of teaching work in progress
Provide a fence or enclosure during operation to prevent contact of the
operator and robot.
Installation of safety fence
Establish a set signaling method to the related operators for starting work, and
follow this method.
Signaling of operation start
As a principle turn the power OFF during maintenance work. Place a sign
indicating that maintenance work is in progress on the start switch, etc.
Indication of maintenance work in progress
Before starting work, inspect the robot, emergency stop switch and other
related devices, etc., and confirm that there are no errors.
Inspection before starting work
Always read the following precautions and the separate "Safety
Manual" before starting use of the robot to learn the required
measures to be taken.
Safety Precautions