Naming Conventions
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 3 Performing Additional Installation Tasks 3-23
Post-Installation Considerations for Catalog Indirection
After installation, refer to Chapter 4, “Performing Post-Installation Tasks”,
for information about how to perform post-installation tasks for catalog
Naming Conventions
The following sections provide naming conventions.
Synonym Qualifier
The synonym qualifiers have the following conventions:
• prdvrmy (all products with the exception of ALTER and CHANGE
MANAGER 5.2 or later)
• prdvrmcy (ALTER and CHANGE MANAGER 5.2 or later)
Table 3-6 indicates what the variables represent, and Table 3-7 shows
examples of the synonym qualifiers.
Table 3-6 Synonym Qualifier Variables
Variable Represents
product code
version/release/maintenance level
indicates the exploited DB2 version
(B=3.1, C=4.1, D=5.1, and E=6.1 or later)
access type (D=direct, I=indirect)
Table 3-7 Examples of Synonym Qualifiers
Example Description
ALU621DD ALTER 6.2.01 DB2 Version 6 direct access
ALU621DI ALTER 6.2.01 DB2 Version 6 indirect access
ACT621D CATALOG MANAGER 6.2.01 direct access