BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Summary of Changes xxv
• automatic selection of the CATALOG MANAGER to BMC Utilities
selected to be installed at the same time
• modification of the Catalog Indirection installation panel to include only
those products that use this process
This installation guide provides documentation for the following products:
• ALTER for DB2, version 5.4.04
• CATALOG MANAGER for DB2, version 5.4.05
• CHANGE MANAGER for DB2, version 5.4.04
• CM/PILOT for DB2, version 5.4.04
• DASD MANAGER PLUS for DB2, version 5.4.04
• PATROL DB-Alter for DB2, version 3.1.02
• PATROL DB-Change Manager for DB2 for OS/390, version 3.1.02
• SQL Explorer for DB2, version 3.1.01
Version 1.5.30—December 15, 1999
This installation guide provides support for the BMC Software Install
System. Enhancements for version 1.5.30 of the Install System include
• the inclusion of $I98ssid in the HLQ.CNTL library to enable you to
remove DB2 structures from a previous installation
• the ability to unload a Japanese language version of the SQL Explorer
double-byte character set rules
• the use of the
F4 key or the CKPANELS command to display the
percentage of the installation that is complete and the number of panels
that remain
• the modification of the TIS and SAT tape labels to make them more
readable and useful
This installation guide provides documentation for the following products:
• ALTER for DB2, version 5.4.04
• CATALOG MANAGER for DB2, version 5.4.05
• CHANGE MANAGER for DB2, version 5.4.04
• CM/PILOT for DB2, version 5.4.04
• DASD MANAGER PLUS for DB2, version 5.4.04
• PATROL DB-Alter for DB2, version 3.1.02
• PATROL DB-Change Manager for DB2 for OS/390, version 3.1.02
• SQL Explorer for DB2, version 2.2.07A