Default Option Descriptions
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 7 Installing CHANGE MANAGER 7-19
N SMS not in use (default)
T tracks
AMS=Y Controls whether Analysis will, by default, generate AMS statements
(IDCAMS DELETE and CREATE) in the worklist. You can use the
INCLUDE (AMS) keyword to override this value. An entry of N generates a
-STOP command that allows you to complete the DELETEs and
DEFINEs before the CREATEs that are located later in the worklist (
Y or N).
ANP=CMvrmcDA Defines the Analysis plan name.
The high-level qualifier or prefix for data sets that is used for a BMC
Software utility archive.
ARCHPS=10 The primary space allocation in cylinders for BMC Software utility archive
data sets.
ARCHSS=2 The secondary space allocation in cylinders for BMC Software utility archive
data sets.
ARCHUNIT=SYSDA The default UNIT that is used for BMC Software utility archive data sets.
The name of the DASD MANAGER PLUS product’s DOPTs module that the
GUI for CHANGE MANAGER will use to interact with DASD MANAGER
PLUS. This parameter is used only if DASD MANAGER PLUS is installed.
ATTN=Y Allows you to press the ATTENTION key to interrupt processing when
ATTN=Y. This option allows you to stop processing, for example, when
building a Mixed List in ALTER or CHANGE MANAGER (
Y or N).
AUTHSW=N Controls the method of authorization-ID switching that Analysis uses.
If you specify
AUTHSW=Y, -AUTH commands are used in the worklist to
switch the authorization ID for subsequent SQL statements and reBINDs. In
this mode, you can add
-SETS commands to the worklist for setting the
authorization ID with SET CURRENT SQLID statements.
If you specify
AUTHSW=N, -SETS commands are generated for switching the
authorization ID, and
-AUTH commands are not allowed.