Default Option Descriptions
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 6 Installing CATALOG MANAGER 6-17
The name of the SQL output data set. CATALOG MANAGER dynamically
allocates the data set the first time that it is used. When allocating this data
set, use these parameters:
Note: In many installations, allocation of data sets is controlled by
user-written or third-party routines. If allocation fails, you should use
alternate means, such as ISPF, to perform the allocations.
LOBSTAT=STATIC Specifies whether CATALOG MANAGER uses static SQL or dynamic SQL
to access the SYSIBM.SYSLOBSTATS DB2 catalog table. The default
STATIC uses the privileges of the package owner. DYNAMIC uses the
privileges of the person who is listing the table.
LOCATIO=STATIC Specifies whether CATALOG MANAGER uses static SQL or dynamic SQL
to access the SYSIBM.LOCATIONS DB2 catalog table. The default STATIC
uses the privileges of the package owner. DYNAMIC uses the privileges of
the person who is listing the table.
LPLAN=ACTvrmDL The name of the CATALOG MANAGER logs maintenance plan.
LULIST=STATIC Specifies whether CATALOG MANAGER uses static SQL or dynamic SQL
to access the SYSIBM.LULIST DB2 catalog table. The default STATIC uses
the privileges of the package owner. DYNAMIC uses the privileges of the
person who is listing the table.
LUMODES=STATIC Specifies whether CATALOG MANAGER uses static SQL or dynamic SQL
to access the SYSIBM.LUMODES DB2 catalog table. The default STATIC
uses the privileges of the package owner. DYNAMIC uses the privileges of
the person who is listing the table.
LUNAMES=STATIC Specifies whether CATALOG MANAGER uses static SQL or dynamic SQL
to access the SYSIBM.LUNAMES DB2 catalog table. The default STATIC
uses the privileges of the package owner. DYNAMIC uses the privileges of
the person who is listing the table.
MAX=300 The maximum number of lines to generate in a list.
MODESEL=STATIC Specifies whether CATALOG MANAGER uses static SQL or dynamic SQL
to access the SYSIBM.MODESELECT DB2 catalog table. The default
STATIC uses the privileges of the package owner. DYNAMIC uses the
privileges of the person who is listing the table.
MPLAN=ACTvrmDM The name of the CATALOG MANAGER main plan.
NOWRK=Y Overrides a blank NOWORKDDN parameter for REORG PLUS (Y or N).