Configuring TCP/IP
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 4 Performing Post-Installation Tasks 4-27
3.D Start the PATROLDB member to activate the MVS Server. For a list
of available MVS console modify and stop commands, see Table 4-3
on page 4-29.
Step 4 Enable foreground processing.
To enable the option of foreground processing when you run the client,
follow these steps:
4.A Copy BMCAKMFG into a system proclib data set, where it can be
started as a started task.
4.B Define the proclib name to RACF as a started task.
Note: The steplib must point to only APF-authorized loadlibs.
Once foreground processing is enabled, you will be prompted to perform a
particular function in either foreground mode or batch mode. When you
indicate foreground mode, the server starts the
BMCAKMFG task (or the task
that is specified in the FOREGROUND.STARTEDPROC parameter in the
INI#ACV member), and the foreground function is performed.
Step 5 Install the client on the user’s PC.
For information on installing the client, refer to Chapter 9, “Installing the
Where to Go from Here
After you configure the TCP/IP communication protocol, you verify the
setting for your host-code page. For more information, see “Confirming the
Host-Code Page for the MVS Server” on page 4-43.
Configuring APPC SNA
During the installation of the MVS Server, if you chose a communication
protocol of APPC SNA instead of TCP/IP, you need to follow the instructions
in this section.
Configuring APPC connectivity for use with the MVS Server is a three-part
process that involves setting up the MVS Server, setting up the Microsoft
SNA Gateway Server, and setting up the client.