BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
7-10 Administrative Products for DB2 Installation Guide
Controlling Access
Plans that are included with CHANGE MANAGER provide access to the
Front End, Import, Specification, Analysis, Baseline, Compare, Report,
Environment, and Execution components. You can control whether users can
access the CHANGE MANAGER interface or each of these components by
controlling the authorization that is granted to each of these plans.
Plan names vary depending on the version and release of the product that you
are using. ALTER and CHANGE MANAGER plan names have the format
ppvrmcyz, where pp is the product code; vrm is the version, release, and
maintenance level; c is the DB2 level (B indicates version 3.1, C indicates
version 4.1, D indicates version 5.1, and E indicates version 6.1 or later); y is
the access type; and z is the plan function.
Note: The c character in the syntax ppvrmcyz is only used when defining
plans for ALTER and CHANGE MANAGER versions 5.2 or later.
Earlier versions use the syntax prdvrmyz.
Execution component plan names have the format prdvrmnn, where prd is
the product code; vrm is the version, release, and maintenance level; and nn
is a unique plan identifier.
The default plans that are shipped with this release follow, along with their
default plan names.
CHANGE MANAGER Specification and Analysis Plans
The following plans are used by the Specification, Analysis, Compare,
Import, and Baseline components.
DF—Front End Plan
This plan controls access to the CHANGE MANAGER interface. You can
use this plan to create and maintain CHANGE MANAGER objects and to
perform other Front End functions.
DM—Display Catalog and SQL Information
Access to this plan is required to use the GUI for CHANGE MANAGER.
This plan displays catalog and SQL generation and execution information.