BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
6-24 Administrative Products for DB2 Installation Guide
Default Option Descriptions
USWVL The name of the work log volume.
UUSTP The name of the UNLOAD PLUS product’s load library.
UVDEV=SYSDA The recovery device type.
UVDPR=10 The size of the recovery primary space.
The prefix to be used with the last qualifier of RECVnnn data sets. The
&&OBNOD symbolic variable resolves to database.&SPNAME. &SPNAME
resolves to a table space name or to an index space name, depending on the
type of object that is being copied.
UVDSE=2 The size of the recovery secondary space.
UVSTP The name of the RECOVER PLUS product’s load library.
UWFPR=10 The size of the work file primary space.
UWFSE=2 The size of the work file secondary space.
UWFUN=SYSDA The name of the work file device type.
UWFVL The name of the work file volume.
UWLPR=10 The size of the work log primary space.
UWLSE=2 The size of the work log secondary space.
UWLUN=SYSDA The name of the work log device type.
UWLVL The name of the work log volume.
UXSTP The name of the library where the Execution component of DASD
MANAGER PLUS or ALTER is installed. This option applies only if you
have DASD MANAGER PLUS or ALTER installed. As part of the
installation of DASD MANAGER PLUS or ALTER, the AEX libraries may
have been copied into the DASD MANAGER PLUS or ALTER load
VIEWDEP=STATIC Specifies whether CATALOG MANAGER uses static SQL or dynamic SQL
to access the SYSIBM.SYSVIEWDEP DB2 catalog table. The default
STATIC uses the privileges of the package owner. DYNAMIC uses the
privileges of the person who is listing the table.