Default Option Descriptions
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 5 Installing ALTER 5-21
STATS=S Indicates what type of statistics should be generated (DB2 Version 5.1 or
later). The DOPTs parameters are defined as follows:
S Standalone—The worklist generates either a -BMCS or -RNST
command in the worklist.
U Utility—The worklist combines statistics with a utility (Reorg, Copy,
Load) whenever possible.
X No statistics are generated.
STOPCOMM=N For DB2 Version 5.1 and later, indicates whether an AT (COMMIT)
generates in a worklist when a STOP is created.
STORCLAS=N Indicates whether support for the STORCLAS parameter is required for
VCAT-defined DB2 objects (
Y or N).
SWPS=10 Defines the default primary space allocation for sort work in cylinders.
SWSS=2 Defines the default secondary space allocation for sort work in cylinders.
SWU=SYSDA Describes the sort work unit.
SYNCPNT = parm Creates additional -SYNC commands in a worklist, based on the number of
-SQL commands since the last -SYNC command. The variable parm specifies
the maximum number of
-SQL commands that can be in the worklist before a
-SYNC command is created.
The option also places an additional
-SYNC command before the next -SQL
command. Valid values for parm are from 0 to 99. Any -SYNC command in
the worklist resets the count of
-SQL commands to zero. -SYNC commands
that this keyword generates are in addition to the
-SYNC commands that
Analysis automatically generates.
SYSCMAX The SYSCOPY threshold, in cylinders, above which the utility will use the
secondary unit for allocation. If the size of a data set exceeds the threshold,
the utility uses the secondary unit. To avoid using the secondary unit,
specify 0.
SYSCMAXU The SYSCOPY secondary, or alternate, unit that is used for any overflow.
Defines the default SYSCOPY data set prefix. The &&OBNOD symbolic
variable resolves to database.&SPNAME. &SPNAME resolves to a table
space name or to an index space name, depending on the type of object that is
being copied.
SYSCPS=10 Defines the default SYSCOPY primary space allocation.
SYSCSS=2 Defines the default SYSCOPY secondary space allocation.