Default Option Descriptions
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 8 Installing DASD MANAGER PLUS 8-13
SYSCMAX The SYSCOPY threshold, in cylinders, above which the utility will use the
secondary unit for allocation. If the size of a data set exceeds the threshold,
the utility uses the secondary unit. To avoid using the secondary unit, specify
0. The SYSCMAX parameter is used to generate SYSCOPY DD statements;
it is not used when COPY PLUS Dynamic Allocation is used.
SYSCMAXU The SYSCOPY secondary, or alternate, unit that is used for any overflow.
The prefix that is used with the last qualifier of SYSCOnnn data sets. The
&&OBNOD symbolic variable resolves to database.&SPNAME. &SPNAME
resolves to a table space name or to an index space name, depending on the
type of object that is being copied.
SYSCPS=10 The primary space allocation in cylinders for SYSCOnnn data sets.
SYSCSS=2 The secondary space allocation in cylinders for SYSRCOnnn data sets.
SYSCUNIT=SYSDA The default UNIT for creating SYSCOnnn data sets.
SYSRMAX The SYSREC threshold, in cylinders, above which the utility will use the
secondary unit for allocation. If the size of a data set exceeds the threshold,
the utility uses the secondary unit. To avoid using the secondary unit,
specify 0.
SYSRMAXU The SYSREC secondary, or alternate, unit that is used for any overflow.
The prefix that is used with the last qualifier of SYSREnnn data sets.
SYSRPS=10 The primary space allocation in cylinders for SYSREnnn data sets.
SYSRSS=2 The secondary space allocation in cylinders for SYSREnnn data sets.
SYSRUNIT=SYSDA The default UNIT for creating SYSREnnn data sets.
SYSTYPE=S Indicates if DB2 Subsystem character strings can contain a mixture of SBCS
and DBCS data.
M mixed
S single-byte only
SZDEVT=3380 The device type for data set sizing for JCLGEN. Valid values are 3380 and
Defines the valid installation tape unit names for your site.