Default Option Descriptions
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 6 Installing CATALOG MANAGER 6-19
PLAN=STATIC Specifies whether CATALOG MANAGER uses static SQL or dynamic SQL
to access the SYSIBM.SYSPLAN DB2 catalog table. The default STATIC
uses the privileges of the package owner. DYNAMIC uses the privileges of
the person who is listing the table.
PLANAUT=STATIC Specifies whether CATALOG MANAGER uses static SQL or dynamic SQL
to access the SYSIBM.SYSPLANAUTH DB2 catalog table. The default
STATIC uses the privileges of the package owner. DYNAMIC uses the
privileges of the person who is listing the table.
PLANDEP=STATIC Specifies whether CATALOG MANAGER uses static SQL or dynamic SQL
to access the SYSIBM.SYSPLANDEP DB2 catalog table. The default
STATIC uses the privileges of the package owner. DYNAMIC uses the
privileges of the person who is listing the table.
PLP=55 The number of print lines per page for the PRINT commands.
PLSYSTE=STATIC Specifies whether CATALOG MANAGER uses static SQL or dynamic SQL
to access the SYSIBM.SYSPLSYSTEM DB2 catalog table. The default
STATIC uses the privileges of the package owner. DYNAMIC uses the
privileges of the person who is listing the table.
PROCEDU=STATIC Specifies whether CATALOG MANAGER uses static SQL or dynamic SQL
to access the SYSIBM.SYSPROCEDURES DB2 catalog table. The default
STATIC uses the privileges of the package owner. DYNAMIC uses the
privileges of the person who is listing the table.
CATALOG MANAGER collection ID for direct catalog access.
RELS=STATIC Specifies whether CATALOG MANAGER uses static SQL or dynamic SQL
to access the SYSIBM.SYSRELS DB2 catalog table. The default STATIC
uses the privileges of the package owner. DYNAMIC uses the privileges of
the person who is listing the table.
RESAUTH=STATIC Specifies whether CATALOG MANAGER uses static SQL or dynamic SQL
to access the SYSIBM.SYSRESAUTH DB2 catalog table. The default
STATIC uses the privileges of the package owner. DYNAMIC uses the
privileges of the person who is listing the table.
RMAX The SYSREC threshold, in cylinders, above which the utility will use the
secondary unit for allocation. If the size of a data set exceeds the threshold,
the utility uses the secondary unit. To avoid using the secondary unit,
specify 0.
RMAXU The SYSREC secondary, or alternate, unit that is used for any overflow.