BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
3-8 Administrative Products for DB2 Installation Guide
Interacting with Other BMC Software Products
CATALOG MANAGER assumes that all BMC Software Utilities products
share these tables. You should examine these synonyms and verify that the
table names are correct.
Update your synonyms if
• your current synonyms do not point to the correct tables
• CATALOG MANAGER accesses the utility tables during batch
To update the synonyms, complete the following steps:
1. Drop the CATALOG MANAGER utility synonyms.
2. Create new CATALOG MANAGER utility synonyms by using the same
synonym names, but with the correct table names.
3. Bind the packages ACTCSQRH, ACTDDQRH, and ACTCSQBU into
the main collection ID for CATALOG MANAGER.
4. Bind the CATALOG MANAGER BMC Software Utility History Plan.
BMC Software specifies this plan as ACTvrmDH, where vrm is the
version, release, and maintenance level. Use the existing plan bind source
to create this plan, then change the name.
5. Edit the member in the HLQ.CNTL library that has the same name as the
DOPTs module. Change HPLAN= to the plan that was created in Step 4.
Submit the job to reassemble the DOPTs module.
The HLQ.INSTALL member DCI#ACTU provides an example of a worklist.
If the utilities are installed in a different load library, complete the following
1. Find the member in the HLQ.CNTL library that has the same name as the
DOPTs module.
2. Update the CATALOG MANAGER DOPTs values for UCSTP, UDSTP,
different utilities load library. For a description of these DOPTs options,
see Chapter 6, “Installing CATALOG MANAGER.”
3. Add any additional load libraries to SLIB member AJXSTEPU.