Installing Products at Different Times
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 3 Performing Additional Installation Tasks 3-3
Generating ISPF Interfaces
Note: This section addresses only those BMC Software products that
provide an online dialog.
The Install System generates an ISPF interface to run many of the BMC
Software products. The interface consists of a CLIST (BMCDB2), a panel
(BMCDB2PR), and an optional table (BMCDB2TB). You can use this
combination without making changes to your TSO logon procedure. For new
users, BMC Software recommends that you use the supplied ISPF interface.
Full Installation or Initial Maintenance
The BMCDB2 CLIST uses the ISPF LIBDEF command to allocate all of the
BMC Software product libraries. The Install System customizes BMCDB2
and BMCDB2PR to include the data set names that you used during the
installation. The Install System specifies up to two DB2 load libraries and
specifies each product’s default options (DOPTs) module name to support the
DB2 subsystem where the product is installed.
Note: You must perform a separate Full installation for every version of
DB2 on which the ALTER and CHANGE MANAGER products will
run. These products require separate libraries for each version of
SSID Installation or Subsequent Maintenance
The Install System generates member BMCDB2SS to support the subsequent
DB2 subsystems. This member contains logic for the DOPTs module
allocation. When you use this member to update the BMCDB2 CLIST,
consider the following:
• If you have MVS/ESA and TSO/E version 2.1 or later, the Install System
prompts you for the location of the BMCDB2 CLIST and automatically
updates it with the information in the BMCDB2SS.
• If you do not have MVS/ESA and TSO/E version 2.1 or later, follow the
directions in BMCDB2SS for updating the BMCDB2 CLIST. If
CATALOG MANAGER is being installed, follow the instructions for
modification of the CATALOG MANAGER plan name.