BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
3-16 Administrative Products for DB2 Installation Guide
Refreshing Default Options
In the sample shown in Figure 3-1, the variable xxxx is the SSID name
and # is a unique one-byte character (such as A for the first SSID, B for
the second SSID, C for the third, and so on).
Catalog Indirection Default Options
When accessing the DB2 catalog with catalog indirection, the BMCDB2
CLIST allocates an indirect DOPTs module. This indirect DOPTs module
must have a different name than the direct DOPTs module that was
previously built. The exception is CATALOG MANAGER, which uses a
single DOPTs module for both direct and indirect access. For more
information about catalog indirection, refer to “Using Catalog Indirection”
on page 3-17.
Single and Multiple Installation Default Modules
The module prdDOPD1 (where prd is the product code) establishes default
processing options for a particular product. You can generate one DOPTs
module for all of a product’s SSIDs to share, or you can generate customized
DOPTs modules for each SSID.
Because you can override many of the default processing option parameters
for Administrative Products through the ISPF panels, you do not need to
establish a separate prdDOPD1 module on each DB2 SSID for each product.
However, establishing separate default processing options for each DB2
SSID may be more convenient (to minimize key strokes, for example). The
exceptions are the graphical user interface (GUI) for ALTER and CHANGE
MANAGER, which use the SSID value in the DOPTs to know to which
SSID to connect.
DOPD1 Options Module
The job that assembles and links the installation DOPTs module is named
$xnnDOPT in the JCL data set that the Install System uses to install the
product (HLQ.INSTALL.JCL). A copy of a stand-alone DOPTs job is placed
in the HLQ.CNTL library. When run, this job creates a DOPTs module in the
products’ load library. The default name of the DOPTs stand-alone job and
module is prdDOPD1, where prd is the three-letter product code:
• ALU (for ALTER)