BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
3-20 Administrative Products for DB2 Installation Guide
Using Catalog Indirection
You need to update the copy of the catalog on a timely basis to keep it
accurate. Running the copy job does not have a significant impact on catalog
contention but does consume other system resources. How often you should
run the job depends on the amount of catalog change activity in your DB2
system and the type of users who are restricted to accessing a copy. A
high-activity data center may need to run the job several times a day.
Also, the job that updates the catalog copy prevents users from accessing the
current copy of the catalog while the job runs. This restriction may have an
undesirable impact on the Administrative Products if you must run the copy
job during a high-activity period.
SEARCH command in CATALOG MANAGER uses dynamic structured
query language (SQL). To enable the
SEARCH command to work on the copy
of the catalog that catalog indirection uses, either run GRANT SELECT ON
TABLE statements or bind with Dynamic Rules (BIND) on the main plan.
Considerations for Using Views of the Catalog
To control access to sensitive information in your catalog tables, you must
design a view or a set of views on your system catalog that achieves the
control that you need. To define the view that a particular catalog indirection
access method uses, you must edit the CREATE VIEW statements in the
BMCCVIEW member that the Install System generated. You must also add
to the BMCCVIEW member the DML search criteria that limits access to
selected rows of the catalog.
When a user attempts to access catalog information that a view filters out, an
SQL error occurs. Also, you must manage the authorizations to the groups of
users who are allowed to access the DB2 catalog through a view or views.
Implementing Catalog Indirection
Implementing catalog indirection
• uses existing product libraries
• allows use of your own VSAM data sets (which requires Custom mode)
• optionally creates a copy of the DB2 catalog using the CREATE LIKE
DDL syntax
• optionally creates views of the DB2 catalog