Setting Up the MVS Server
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Chapter 4 Performing Post-Installation Tasks 4-33
The LU that is defined for the server does not have a TP Profile data set, nor
does it require the use of a site information table. However, a reference to the
system-level TP Profile data set that accesses only the database token from
that TP Profile data set is required. Thus, an entry for the server is not
required in the specified TP profile data set, but a reference to the system
level TP Profile data set is needed as part of the
LUADD definition statement.
The LU application should already be defined and active to VTAM. The LU
name that is used in the VTAM application definition must match the
ACBNAME operand that is used in the
LUADD statement. Once defined, the
APPC address space must be started with the appropriate parameters to
include the configuration file with the
LUADD statement for the server.
Figure 4-19 shows a sample
LUADD statement for defining the local LU to
APPC/MVS. The example can be added to an existing APPCPMxx
configuration member or used in a new configuration member. Then the
example can be dynamically added to the APPC address space using the
MVS command.
Note: The HLQ.CNTL data set contains a sample APPCPMxx member.
Figure 4-19 Sample Local LU Definition for APPC/MVS
Step 4 Provide APPC parameters to the server.
The server requires several parameters that have been defined to APPC/MVS
and VTAM. The values of these parameters are described to the server
through an initialization (INI) file that is specified by the BMCIPROF DD
statement in the server JCL. The parameters in this file are initialized during
the installation of the server. If changes to the parameters are required, you
can modify them by manually editing the INI file.
Figure 4-20 on page 4-34 shows a sample MVS Server configuration file.