To configure power budget:
1. In the left pane, click Chassis Overview → Power → Configuration.
2. On the Budget/Redundancy Configuration page, select any or all of the following properties as
appropriate. For information about the field descriptions, see the
Online Help.
• Enable Server-Based Power Management
• System Input Power Cap
• Redundancy Policy
• Enable Dynamic Power Supply Engagement
• Disable Chassis Power Button
• Max Power Conservation Mode
• Enable Remote Power Logging
• Remote Power Logging Interval
3. Click Apply to save the changes.
Configuring Power Budget and Redundancy Using RACADM
NOTE: To perform power management actions, you must have the Chassis Configuration
To enable and set the redundancy policy:
1. Open a serial/Telnet/SSH text console to CMC and log in.
2. Set properties as needed:
• To select a redundancy policy, type:
racadm config -g cfgChassisPower -o
cfgChassisRedundancyPolicy <value>
where <value> is 1 (Grid Redundancy), and 2 (Power Supply Redundancy). The default value is 2.
For example, the following command sets the redundancy policy to 1:
racadm config -g cfgChassisPower -o
cfgChassisRedundancyPolicy 1
• To set the power budget value, type:
racadm config -g cfgChassisPower -o
cfgChassisPowerCap <value>
where <value> is a number between 938 W — 4800 W, representing the maximum power limit in
Watt. The default is 4800.
For example, the following command sets the maximum power budget to 4800 Watt:
racadm config -g cfgChassisPower -o
cfgChassisPowerCap 4800
• To enable or disable dynamic PSU engagement, type:
racadm config -g cfgChassisPower -o
cfgChassisDynamicPSUEngagementEnable <value>
where <value> is 0 (disable), 1 (enable). The default is 0.
For example, the following command disables dynamic PSU engagement:
racadm config -g cfgChassisPower -o
cfgChassisDynamicPSUEngagementEnable 0