Configuring Servers
You can configure the following settings of a server:
• Slot Names
• iDRAC Network Settings
• DRAC Virtual LAN Tag Settings
• First Boot Device
• Server FlexAddress
• Remote File Share
• BIOS Settings Using Server Clone
Configuring Slot Names
Slot names are used to identify individual servers. When choosing slot names, the following rules apply:
• Names may contain a maximum of 15 non-extended ASCII characters (ASCII codes 32 through 126).
Standard and special characters are allowed in the names.
• Slot names must be unique within the chassis. Slots should not have the same name.
• Strings are not case-sensitive. Server-1, server-1, and SERVER-1 are equivalent names.
• Slot names must not begin with the following strings:
– Switch-
– Fan-
– PS-
– MC-
– Chassis
– Housing-Left
– Housing-Right
– Housing-Center
• The strings Server-1 through Server-4 may be used, but only for the corresponding slot. For
example, Server-3 is a valid name for slot 3, but not for slot 4. However, Server-03 is a valid name
for any slot.
NOTE: To change a slot name, you must have the Chassis Configuration Administrator
The slot name setting in the web interface resides on CMC only. If a server is removed from the chassis,
the slot name setting does not remain with the server.