FlexAddress Enablement No* Yes *For non-default FlexAddress settings, only Restore
Default is allowed with Express license. Restore
Default will reset the FlexAddress settings to the
factory default.
PCIe Adapter Mapping Yes* Yes *A maximum of two PCIe Adapters can be assigned
per Server with Express License.
Virtual Adapter to Slot
No* Yes *For non-default mapping of Virtual Adapters, only
Default mapping is allowed with an Express license.
Restore Default will change virtual adapter mapping
to factory default.
Virtual Adapter to Slot
Yes Yes
Server cloning No Yes
One-to-many Server
Firware Update
No Yes
configuration for iDRAC
No Yes
Viewing Localized Versions of the CMC Web Interface
To view localized versions of the CMC web interface, read through your web browser's documentations.
Supported Management Console Applications
CMC supports integration with Dell OpenManage Console. For more information, see the OpenManage
Console documentation available at dell.com/support/manuals.
How to Use this User's Guide
The contents of this User's Guide enable you to perform the tasks by using:
• The Web interface: Only the task-related information is given here. For information about the fields
and options, see the CMC for Dell PowerEdge VRTX Online Help that you can open from the Web
• The RACADM commands: The RACADM command or the object that you must use is provided here.
For more information about a RACADM command, see the Chassis Management Controller for
PowerEdge VRTX RACADM Command Line Reference Guide available at dell.com/support/manuals.
Other Documents You May Need
To access the documents from the Dell Support site. Along with this Reference Guide, you can access
the following guides available at dell.com/support/manuals.
• The VRTX CMC Online Help provides information about using the Web interface. To access the
Online Help, click Help on the CMC web interface.