
6-10 Replacing Wheel Components Technobeam
User Manual
Replacing a Rotating Litho or Effect
1. Carefully handling the litho/effect by its edges only, orient it as shown
when you replace it:
Rotating litho wheel:
“Litho Installation Instructions” on page
Rotating effects wheel:
Orient the textured side of the effect
away from
the lamp. If the effect does not have a texture (e.g., the
frost filter, orientation is not important).
2. If the litho/effect you are installing or replacing has an aperture ring,
put the aperture ring on top of the litho. See Figure 6-10.
Figure 6-10. An aperture ring, if required, must be placed on top of the litho/
effect and under the spring.
3. Carefully replace the spring, turning it as you compress it, until the
spring is fully seated in the litho holder.
Make sure the spring fits
completely under all wheel tabs and that the tip of the spring does not
protrude from under the tabs
. See Figure 6-11:
Figure 6-11. When you replace a rotating litho or rotating effect, make sure
the tip of the spring is fully seated under the wheel tabs; it cannot protrude
from under the tabs.
4. You are finished. Replace the access door shown in Figure 6-1 on page
6-3 unless there are other dichroics, lithos or effects you want to
ring (next)
Wheel tab
Correct placement
(completely under
Wheel tab
Incorrect placement
(spring tip protrudes
from under tab)