High End Systems Technobeam Work Light User Manual

User Manual DMX Protocols A-3
Te chnobeam
Table A-1 gives the DMX channel assignments for the Technobeam full 18-
channel protocol and reduced 14-channel protocol. The column “Ch. (F)” lists
channel assignments for the full protocol and the column “Ch. (R)” lists
channel assignments for the reduced protocol.
Table A-1. Technobeam DMX Protocol
Ch. (F) Ch. (R) Construct Parameter
1 1 Pan (mirror) position Coarse adjustment 0 - 255 0 - 100 00h - FFh
2 n/a Pan (mirror) position Fine adjustment 0 - 255 0 - 100 00h - FFh
3 2 Tilt (mirror) position Coarse adjustment 0 - 255 0 - 100 00h - FFh
4 n/a Tilt (mirror) position Fine adjustment 0 - 255 0 - 100 00h - FFh
Color wheel functions
Fast color change (at beginning
of wheel movement)
Select the function with this
channel. Then use ch. 6 (F) or 4
(R) to set the position or spin
Indexed (wheel snaps
to center of aperture)
0 - 15 0 - 5 00h - 0Fh
Forward spin 16 - 31 6 - 12 10h - 1Fh
Reverse spin 32 - 47 13 - 18 20h - 2Fh
Continuous 48 - 63 19 - 24 30h - 3Fh
Slow scan 64 - 79 25 - 30 40h - 4Fh
Fast scan 80 - 95 31 - 37 50h - 5Fh
Random 96 - 111 38 - 43 60h - 6Fh
Blink (same as index,
except shutter closes
between apertures)
112 - 127 44 - 49 70h - 7Fh
Color changes set by MSpeed
(use ch. 16 (F) or 13 (R) to set
MSpeed time).
Select the parameter with this
channel. Then use ch. 6 (F) or 4
(R) to set the position or spin
Indexed (wheel snaps
to center of aperture)
128 - 143 50 - 56 80h - 8Fh
Forward spin 144 - 159 57 - 62 90h - 9Fh
Reverse spin 160 - 175 63 - 68 A0h - AFh
Continuous 176 - 191 69 - 74 B0h - BFh
Slow scan 192 - 207 75 - 81 C0h - CFh
Fast scan 208 - 223 82 - 87 D0h - DFh
Random 224 - 239 88 - 93 E0h - EFh
Blink (same as index,
except shutter closes
between apertures)
240 - 255 94 - 100 F0h - FFh
Color wheel position and
Position (aperture) selection for
blink or index mode (use with
ch. 5 (F) or 3 (R))
Position 1 (open) 0 - 23
248 - 255
0 - 9
97 - 100
00h - 17h
F8h - FFh
Position 2 24 - 31 9 - 12 18h - 1Fh
Position 3 32 - 39 13 - 15 20h - 27h