Instruction Manual
Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG
5-4 Menu System - Calibration Setup Menu
5-4-3-2 Calibration Setup Menu
This parameter defines if the tolerance check
during calibration procedures is activated or
Available options::
10%: Tolerance check is enabled, limits are
10 % (not changeable). Message has to
be acknowledged manually utilizing the
related menu ( 5-4-2, page 5-13)
A-Clr: Auto clear - same as 10 %, but when
a message is set, it is automatically
acknowledged (reset) after 2 - 3 min.
Off: Tolerance check is disabled
Calibration gases concentrations setup
5-4-3-2-1, page 5-27
This line is available only if the parameter
"Valves" in the INSTALLED OPTIONS setup
menu is other than none !
Enter the time required to purge the gas lines
with the new gas before starting to measure
concentration values during calibration, when
switching to zero or span gas.
Input range: 0 .. 600 seconds
Interval time setup menu
5-4-3-2-2, page 5-28
If system is setup accordingly access level 1
code must be entered to access this menu.
For a detailed description of how to perform
calibrations chapter 7 Maintenance.
Calibration gases..
Tol.Check: Off
Purge time: 15 s
Interval time..