Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG6-8
Instruction Manual
6-2 Checking the Instrument's Setup
Signal: C1-C2
SignalRange: 4-20mA
Trim output..
Select the "Analog output" line to open a
submenu to specify the analog outputs: The two
analog outputs may be configured to output
several signals via the "Signal" entry:
Option Output 1 source Output 2 source
C1-C2 Channel 1 gas Channel 2 gas
concentration concentration
C1-T Channel 1 gas Temperature sensor
concentration "Temp-1" value
T-C2 Temperature sensor Channel 2 gas
"Temp-1" value concentration
20 mA A signal is applied to both analog outputs
creating a 20 mA output signal
0 / 4 mA A signal is applied to both analog outputs
creating an output signal of 0 mA (when in
Dead-Zero mode) or 4 mA when in
Live-Zero mode.
Dead-Zero or Live-Zero mode is
selected by the "Signal range" parameter
page 6-8)
Modes for
checking the
output signal
*) Select one of these modes only to perform a quick check if the analog
output level settings are still correct.
The next line "Signal Range" allows to configure
the analog outputs ranges / the analog outputs
to comply with the NAMUR NE43 recom-
mendations as described on the next page.