Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG 7-27
Instruction Manual
7 Maintenance
7-3-4 Auto Calibration
The span calibration procedure has finished
when the last time interval shows remaining
0 seconds and the gas flow is sample.
Now press either the LEFT key two times to
return to the component selection menu (dual
channel analyzer only), if required select the
second channel and perform the steps above
to span calibrate this channel, too,
press the HOME key to return to the measure-
ment screen.
After span calibration has finished, the instru-
ment closes the span gas valve and opens the
sample gas valve. Now the postpurge proce-
dure starts to indicate that proper sample gas
measurement values require the system to be
filled with the related gas only. Postpurge time
is the purge time entered in the calibration
setup screen (see page 7-6).
Gasflow Sample
CO2.1 0.000 ppm
Procedure Purging
Time 10 s
The first screen appearing shows that span gas
is flowing to calibrate the CO2 channel (here:
the instrument's 1st channel indicated by the
succeeding ".1"). Currently the system is
purged (prepurge) to ensure it is properly filled
with span gas when span calculation is started.
The remaining purge time is 10 seconds
(decreasing from the value entered in the
calibration setup screen, see page 7-6).
Gasflow SpanGas
CO2.1 18.000 ppm
Procedure Purging
Time 10 s
Gasflow SpanGas
CO2.1 18.000 ppm
Procedure Span 1
Time 29 s
When the prepurge time has elapsed, the
instrument starts to calculate the span (indica-
ted by the procedure term Span 1): Span gas
is still applied, the time count down starts at a
value corresponding to 2 times "t
-for- cali-
bration" (2 x 15 s).