ACU-RITE 3500i 123
7.1 Explaining Basic Cycles
Rapid Move - Radius and Y:
Specify the desired end point coordinate using actual position
designations, either in absolute or incremental.
Line Move:
Line Move initiates a straight-line feed motion and is used to cut a part.
Straight-line motion occurs in one or more axes. The block may contain
any combination of available axes.
One to four axes can be included on a block with Line Move.
X, Y, Z, and U reach the target simultaneously.
Line Move is modal, and remains in effect until canceled or
Line Move can be programmed in absolute or incremental, and
follows the active mode.
Specify the feedrate of the movement on or prior to the Line Move
Conversational format: Line
G-code format: G1
Press the Other button to select the Line Move variant that best fits
your needs. Each variant is described next. The following figure
visually depicts the Angle and Radius parameters used in some of
these variants to specify the desired end point coordinate.
Field Code Description
Y Y Absolute position of, or incremental
distance to, the desired Y-Axis destination.
Radius R Absolute or incremental distance to the
desired destination. (Required)
Z Absolute position of, or incremental
distance to, the desired Z-Axis destination.
ToolComp T Select the modal tool diameter
compensation to activate or select Off to
deactivate comp.