
162 7 Programming: Canned Cycles, sub-programs
7.2 Canned Cycles
Thread Mill Cycle
Use the thread milling for cutting inside or outside threads. It cuts
either Inch or MM, left or right hand, and Z movement up or down.
A single tooth or multi-toothed tool may be used. Start can be at the
top or bottom of the hole or boss. The tools are set, as you would
normally set TLO.
The first move in this cycle is a rapid move to the center of
the thread before moving the Z axis. Make sure the tool is
properly located before calling up this cycle.
Field Code Description
ZFinish Z Absolute Z position where the thread cut
will finish. This can be above or below the
start position depending on the direction of
the thread cut: up or down. (Required)
ZStart H Absolute Z position where the thread cut
starts. This can be above or below the finish
position depending on the direction of the
thread cut, up or down. If not set, cycle
uses the current Z tool position. (Required)
ZSafePosn P An Absolute safe Z position above the part
for rapid moves in X and/or Y. (Required)
WARNING: P must be above the part to
avoid a crash while positioning.
MajorDia D Major thread Diameter. If this is a tapered
thread, it is the major diameter at the Z start
position. Hence, if you have a tapered hole
and you start at the top and cut down, you
would have a different major diameter than
if you started at the bottom and cut up. A
plus (+) value cuts in the CW direction and
a minus (-) value cuts in the CCW direction.
ThdDepth C Depth of thread. The incremental depth of
thread on one side. A plus (+) value is inside
thread, a minus (-) value is outside thread.